Cognition, Brain & Behavior

Chair: Dr. Eric Ruthruff

Faculty and students in the CBB concentration investigate the fundamental features of cognition, brain, and behavior with cutting-edge interdisciplinary approaches, including:

  • Cognitive neuroscience (MRI, EEG, TMS, tDCS, MEG)
  • Behavioral neuroscience (neuropharmacology, viral-mediated gene transfer, electrophysiology, and behavioral genetics)
  • Cognitive science (performance, learning, statistical modeling)

CBB facilities include the entire second floor of Logan Hall, with multiple state-of-the-art suites for behavioral neuroscience and the newly created Psychology Clinical Neuroscience Center, which includes multi-modal imaging equipment for communal use.  The integration of these resources demonstrates our area's dedication to a cross-disciplinary collaborative approach to understanding cognition, brain, and behavior (a "bench-to-bedside" approach).

Faculty in the CBB Program

Psychology Clinical Neurosciences Center

The Mission of the UNM Psychology Clinical neuroscience Center (PCNC) is the development of new knowledge regarding how normal and abnormal behavior and cognition arise from the brain. This is accomplished by a balanced program of research and teaching, supporting the academic mission of the Department and the advancement of students and faculty, facilitating alliances of investigators with common research interests, identifying and supporting opportunities for Psychology faculty recruitment, facilitating the acquisition of new extramurally funded projects and maintenance of existing projects, and facilitating the acquisition, maintenance and supervision of PCNC core services including the application of brain imaging and stimulation technologies.

For more detailed information, please visit the PCNC website (