Jeremy Hogeveen
Associate Professor

- Email:
- Phone:
- 773-941-2182
- Office:
- Logan Hall, 148
- Education:
- Ph.D., Wilfrid Laurier University
- Lab Website
- Curriculum vitae
Research Area/s:
Cognition, Brain and Behavior, Quantitative Psychology
Research Interests:
- Decision-Making
- Emotion & Motivation
- Mesocorticolimbic Function & Dysfunction
Accepting students? Dr. Hogeveen is not accepting students for Fall 2025.
I am a cognitive neuroscientist and Assistant Professor in the Department. In my lab, we have three main goals:
- To understand how the brain makes decisions in normal situations.
- To study how problems with the brain's decision-making circuits can lead to psychiatric and neurological disorders.
- To explore ways to use noninvasive brain stimulation to change these circuits.
To achieve these goals, we use techniques like brain scanning with fMRI, a type of imaging, and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to (noninvasively) stimulate the brain. We also use advanced quantitative methods such as computational models to understand how the brain works during different tasks. The main purpose of my work is to better understand the neural bases of common symptoms underlying psychiatric and neurological disorders. This knowledge will help us develop targeted treatments using TMS and other methods to change neural circuits and improve mental health.
Additional Information
I am from Toronto and—like many Canadians—am an enthusiastic hockey player and fan. When I’m not working, I am almost always spending time exploring Albuquerque and New Mexico with my family.
Selected Publications
- Hogeveen, J., Medalla, M., Ainsworth, M., Galeazzi, J. M., Hanlon, C. A., Mansouri, F. A., & Costa, V. D. (2022). What does the frontopolar cortex contribute to goal-directed cognition and action?. Journal of Neuroscience, 42, 8508-8513.
- Hogeveen, J., Mullins T. S., Romero, J., Eversole, E., Rogge-Obando, K., Mayer, A. R., & Costa, V. D. (2022). The neurocomputational bases of explore-exploit decision making. Neuron, 110, 1869-1879.
- Hogeveen, J., et al. (2021). Ventromedial prefrontal-anterior cingulate hyperconnectivity and resilience to apathy in traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neurotrauma, 38, 2264-2274.
- Hogeveen, J., Kruger, F., & Grafman, J. (2021). Association between alexithymia and impaired reward valuation in patients with fronto-insular damage. Emotion, 21, 137-147.
- Mullins, T. S., Campbell, E. M., & Hogeveen, J. (2020). Neighborhood deprivation shapes motivational neurocircuit recruitment in children. Psychological Science,31, 881-889.
Courses Taught
- PSYC 344: Human Neuropsychology
- PSYC 360: Human Learning and Memory
- PSYC 450/650: Data Science in Psychology & Neuroscience
- PSYC 641: Seminar in Cognition, Brain and Behavior
Graduate Students:
Ethan Campbell, MS
Teagan Mullins, MS
Caitlin Enders, BA
Cidney Robertson-Benta, BS