Most Interdisciplinary Work

Graduate Award

Amount: $100

Aims and Founders

The aim of this award is to honor a graduate student whose first- or sole-authored empirical or theoretical contributions to science (published or work in progress) transcend standard disciplinary boundaries and thereby encourage interdisciplinary thought and practices. The applicant must identify two or more disciplines that relate to their contribution. Some examples of disciplines that the applicant could use include: scientific fields outside psychology (e.g., biology, anthropology), healthcare (health), technological, engineering, mathematical, computational, or public service fields. Sub-fields of psychology (e.g., social psychology vs. cognitive psychology) do not count as independent disciplines.This award is funded by the Department of Psychology and was introduced in 2021.


This award is open to all graduate students in the department.

Applying for the Awards

Students should submit the following:

  1. A letter detailing the nature and interdisciplinary focus of the work for which the student would like to be considered.
    1. Please specify the two or more disciplines that make the work interdisciplinary.
  2. A document of the work (i.e. a pubulicaion, in press article, poster presentation, symposium presentation) if available.


  • Samantha Rodriguez 2023
  • Danielle Sanchez-Combs 2022