Teddy Warner
Research Emeritus Professor

- Email:
- twarner@salud.unm.edu
- Phone:
- (505) 453-8710
- Office:
- Off Campus
- Education:
- University of Kansas, Ph.D. Psychology, 1987
Research Area/s:
Quantitative Psychology
Research Interests:
- Ethical issues in research, clinical care, and education
- Multivariate analysis of applied and clinical research
- Psychometrics and human assessment
- Survey applications in research
Additional Education
Kennedy Institute for Ethics, 2003
Poynter Center for Ethics, 2004
University of Texas at Austin, B.B.A., Accounting, 1974
Courses Taught
Psychology 200: Statistical Methods in Psychology
Psychology 302: Research Techniques in Psychology
Psychology 450: Political Psychology (Senior Seminar)
Psychology 450: Psychology of Terrorism (Senior Seminar)
Psychology 650: Applied Multivariate Statistics (advanced doctoral students)
Biomedical Science 557: Clinical Translational Measurement (surveys & psychometrics)
Biomedical Science 555: Research Ethics (Responsible Conduct of Research)
Biomedical Science 555/556: Independent studies in multivariate statistics
Recent Grant Funded Research
Principal Investigator (overall); Multi-Site Study: University of New Mexico, Emory University, University of Pittsburgh & Boston Medical Center. Cancer Patient Views and Concerns Regarding Use of Their Donated Tissues for Use in Future Research, National Cancer Institute, 2014-2016.
Project Director (overall); Multi-Site Study: University of New Mexico, Medical College of Wisconsin & Stanford University. Ethical, Legal and Social Issues in Psychiatric Genetic Research (Assessing Patients, Families, Investigators & IRB Chairs). National Institute of Mental Health and National Human Genome Institute, 2006-2012.
Selected Publications
Refereed Journal Articles
Hollifield, M., Warner, T.D., Krakow, B., & Westermeyer, J. (2018). Mental Health Effects of Stress Over the Life Span of Refugees. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 7(25); 2-11. doi: 10.3390/jcm7020025
Warner, T.D., Weil, C.J., Andry, C., Degenholtz, H., Parker, L., Feige, M., Carithers, C., Wendler, D., Pentz, R.D. (2018). Broad consent for research on biospecimens: The views of actual donors at four U.S. medical centers. Journal of Empirical Research in Human Research Ethics, April 13(2);115-124. DOI: 10.1177/1556264617751204
Ramos MM, Warner T, V Rosero D, Condon TP. (2017). A clinical instrument to guide brief interventions for adolescents with substance use concerns. Substance Abuse. Aug 29:1-6. DOI: 10.1080/08897077.2017.1371659. PMID: 28850302.
Youssof S, Romero-Clark C, Warner T, Plowman E. (2017). Dysphagia-related quality of life in oculo-pharyngeal muscular dystrophy: Psychometric properties of the SWAL_QOL instrument. Muscle Nerve. Jul;56(1):28-35. PMCID: PMC5397376. DOI: 10.1002/mus.25441.
Eldredge JD, Hall LJ, McElfresh KR, Warner TD, Stromberg TL, Trost J, Jelinek DA. (2016). Rural providers’ access to online resources: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of the Medical Library Association. 2016; 104(1):33-41. PMID: 26807050
Ngui, E.M., Warner, T.D., Roberts, L.W. (2015). Ethical Responsibilities and Perceptions of Stakeholders of Genetic Research Involving Racial/Ethnic Minority Participants. American Journal of Bioethics: Empirical Bioethics, 6(3),15-27. DOI: 10.1080/23294515.2014.978414
Helitzer, D.L., Sussman, A.L., Hoffman, R.M., Getrich, C.M., Warner, T.D., Rhyne, R.L. (2014). Along the way to developing a theory of the program: a re-examination of the conceptual framework as an organizing strategy. Evaluation and Program Planning; 45:157-63. PMID: 24836998.
Ngui, E., Warner, T.D. & Roberts., L.W. (2014). Perceptions of African-American Health Professionals and Community Members on Participation of Children and Pregnant Women in Genetic Research. Public Health Genomics. 17(1): 23-32. DOI: 10.1159/000355359.
LaNoue M, Graeber D, de Hernandez BU, Warner TD, Helitzer DL. (2012). Direct and indirect effects of childhood adversity on adult depression. Community Mental Health Journal. Apr;48(2):187-92. PMID: 21127974.
Getrich CM, Sussman AL, Helitzer DL, Hoffman RM, Warner TD, Sánchez V, Solares A, Rhyne RL. (2012). Expressions of machismo in colorectal cancer screening among New Mexico Hispanic subpopulations. Qualitative Health Research. Apr;22(4):546-559. PMID: 22138258
Roberts, L.W., Berry, L.K., Warner, T.D. (2011). Potential workplace discrimination based on genetic predisposition: Views of workers. American Journal of Bioethics Primary Research, 2(3):1-12.
Roberts, L.W., Warner, T.D., Moutier, C., Geppert, C.M.A., & Green Hammond, K.A. (2011). Are doctors who have been ill more compassionate? Attitudes of resident physicans regarding personal health issues and the expression of compassion in clinical care. Psychosomatics, 52:367-374.
Hollifield M., Warner T.D., Westermeyer, J. (2011). Is torture reliably assessed and a valid indicator of poor mental health? The Journal of nervous and mental disease, 199(1):3-10.
Hoffman, R.D., Rhyne, R., Helitzer, D.L., Stone, S., Sussman, A., Bruggerman, L., Viera, R., Warner, T.D. (2011). Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening in New Mexico: Physician and General Population Perspectives, New Mexico, 2006. Perspectives. Prevention of Chronic Disease, 8(2):A35.
Roberts, L.W., Warner, T.D., Smithpeter, M., Rogers, M. & Horowitz, R. (2011). Medical students as patients: Implications of the dual role as explored in a vignette-based study of 1027 medical students at 9 medical schools. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 52:405-412.
Helitzer, D., LaNoue, M., Wilson, B. Urquieta de Hernandez, B., Warner, T.D. & Roter, D. A randomized controlled trial of providers to improve patient-centeredness and health risk communication. (2011). Patient Education and Counseling, 8221-29.
Hollifield M, Warner TD, Krakow B, Jenkins J, Westermeyer J. (2009). The range of symptoms in refugees of war: the New Mexico Refugee symptom Checklist-121. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disorders. Feb;197(2):117-25. PMID: 19214047.
Chipp, C.L., Johnson, M.E.,. Brems, C., Warner, T.D., Roberts, L.W. (2008). Adaptations to health care barriers as reported by rural and urban providers. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 19(2):532-549.
Roberts, LW, Johnson, ME, Brems, C, Warner, TD. (2007). Ethical disparities: Challenges encountered by multidisciplinary providers in fulfilling ethical standards in the care of rural and minority people. Journal of Rural Health, 23:89-97.
Roberts, L.W., Warner, T.D., Dunn, L.B., Green Hammond, K. (2007). Shaping medical students’ attitudes towards ethically important aspects of clinical research: Results of a randomized, controlled educational intervention. Ethics & Behavior, 2007, 17(1):19-50.
Brehms, C, ME Johnson, TD Warner, LW Roberts. (2010). Healthcare providers’ reports of perceived stigma associated with HIV and AIDS in rural and urban communities. Journal Of HIV/AIDS & Social Services, 2010, 9, 356-370.
Krakow B, Melendrez D, Warner T.D., Clark JO, Sisley BN, Dorin R, Harper RM, Leahigh LK, Lee SA, Sklar D, Hollifield M. (2006). Signs and symptoms of sleep-disorder breathing in trauma survivors: A matched comparison with classic sleep apnea patients. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disorders. Jun;194(6):433-9.
Hollifield, M., Warner, T.D., Jenkins, J., Sinclair-Lian, N., Krakow, B., Eckert, V., Karadaghi, P. & Westermeyer, J. (2006). Assessing War Trauma in Refugees: Properties of the Comprehensive Trauma Inventory 104 (CTI-104). Journal of Traumatic Stress, 19(4), 527-540.
Krakow, B., Melendrez, D., Sisley, B., Warner, T.D., Krakow, J., Leahigh, L. & Lee, S. (2006). Nasal dilator strip therapy for chronic sleep-maintenance insomnia and symptoms of sleep-disordered breathing: a randomized controlled trial. Sleep Breathing, 10, 16-28.
Warner, T.D., Monaghan-Geernaert, P., Battaglia, J., Brems, C., Johnson, M., & Roberts, L. Ethical considerations in rural health care: A Pilot Study of New Mexican and Alaskan Clinicians. (2005). Community Mental Health Journal, 41(1), 21-33.
Warner, T.D., Roberts, L.W., & Nguyen, K. (2003). How well do psychiatrists understand the attitudes, motivations, and experiences of schizophrenia protocol participants? Comprehensive Psychiatry; 44(3):227-233.
Warner, T.D. & Gluck, J. (2003). What do we really know about conflicts of interest in research? Psychopharmacology, 171:36-46.
Warner, T.D. How to Understand Flaws in Clinical Research. (2016). In The Clinician Educator Guidebook, pp. 191-204, ed. Roberts, L.W. New York: Springer.
Warner, T.D. How to Evaluate Biomedical Research Publications Rigorously. (2013). In The Academic Medicine Handbook, pp. 225-232, ed. Roberts, L.W. 2013; NY: Springer.
Warner, T.D. How to Understand Flaws in Clinical Research. (2013). In The Academic Medicine Handbook, pp. 233-242, ed. Roberts, L.W. New York: Springer.