Kamilla Venner
Associate Professor

- Email:
- kamilla@unm.edu
- Phone:
- (505) 277-1783 or (505) 925-2377
- Office:
- Logan Hall 128, CASAA, 249
- Education:
- Ph.D., University of New Mexico, 2001
- Personal Website
- Curriculum vitae
Research Area/s:
Clinical Psychology
Research Interests:
- Substance abuse treatment
- Culturally effective adaptations of evidence-based treatment
- American Indian/Alaska Native populations
- Motivational Interviewing for treatment and teaching
- Health disparities
Selected Publications
- Dickerson, D., Venner, K. L., Duran, B., Annon, J. J., Hale, B, & Funmaker, G. (2014). Drum-Assisted Recovery Therapy for Native Americans (DARTNA): Results from a Pretest and Focus Groups. American Indian Alaska Native Mental Health Research, 21, 35-58.
- Tonigan, J. S., Martinez-Papponi, B, Hagler, K., Greenfield, B. L., & Venner, K. L. (2013). A longitudinal study of Urban Native American AA attendance, engagement, and outcome. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 74, 514-520.
- Venner, K., Greenfield, B., Vicuña, B., Muñoz, R., Bhatt, S., & O’Keefe, V. (2012). “I’m not one of them”: Barriers to help-seeking among American Indians with alcohol dependence. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 18, 352-362. doi: 10.1037/a002
- Greenfield, B., & Venner, K. (2012). Review of substance abuse treatment research in Indian country: Future directions to strive toward health equity [Special issue]. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 38, 483-492.
- Venner, K. L., Feldstein, S. W., & Tafoya, N. (2007). Helping Clients Feel Welcome: Principles of Adapting Treatment Cross-Culturally. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 25, 11-30.
Courses Taught
Psych 636: Diversity and Multicultural Issues
Psych 411 Evidence-based Treatment of Addictions
Psych 600 Clinical Interviewing Practicum
Psych 450 Drug Abuse