Mechanism of action of light therapy for fall/winter depression
Chronobiology and pathophysiology of mood disorders
Immune system functioning in patients with mood disorder; "Stress and Cytokines in Infertile Patients"
Psychiatric and medical disorders comorbid with fall/winter depression
Abnormal HPA functioning and glucose regulation in S.A.D.
Selected Publications
Anderson, J. L., Mooney, J. J., Peteet, J. R., & Meyer, S. E. (1995). SPAQ and seasonality in alcohol- and drug-addicted patients: the women are SAD and the men are subsyndromal--is it a problem? Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms 7th Annual Meeting. Frankfurt, Germany. Abstract 2.
Anderson, J. L. (1996). The immune system and major depression. Advances in Neuroimmunology, 6, 119-129.
Anderson, J. L., Mirza, N., Fricchione, G. L., & Stefano, G. B. (1997). Circadian and sleep-dependent variability in human leukocyte activity. Harvard Medical School Department of Psychiatry Research Day, Boston MA.
Anderson, J. L., Mirza, N. M., Fricchione, G. L., & Vaccaro, B. (1997). Circadian and sleep-dependent variability in human leukocytes. Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms 9th Annual Meeting. Vancouver, Canada.
Vasile, R.G., Sachs, G., Anderson, J. L., Lafer, B., Matthews, E., & Hill, T. (1997). Changes in regional cerebral blood flow following light treatment for seasonal affective disorder: responders versus non-responders. Biological Psychiatry, 42, 1000-1005.
Quan SF; Anderson JL; Hodge GK. (2013). Use of a supplementary internet based education program improves sleep literacy in college psychology students. J Clin Sleep Med 9(2):155-160.