Gordon Hodge
Associate Professor Emeritus/a

- Email:
- ghodge@unm.edu
- Phone:
- (505) 277-3019
- Office:
- Logan Hall Rm 176
- Education:
- Ph.D., University of California-Los Angeles, 1977
Research Area/s:
Cognition, Brain and Behavior
My current research interests focus on learning and teaching at the university level in general and the best ways students learn and professors teach introductory psychology in particular.
Gordon Hodge is Associate Professor of Psychology and Presidential Teaching Fellow at the University of New Mexico. He received his Ph.D. from UCLA and has been at UNM since 1976. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and a Past-President of the Southwestern Psychological Association. He has served as an Associate Dean for the College of Arts and Sciences and the Chairperson of the university's Teaching Enhancement Committee. Over the last 10 years his research has focused on ways of enhancing teaching and learning for which he has received national, regional, and university recognition. Honors and awards include the National Institute for the Teaching of Psychology's Frank Costin Award, the University of New Mexico's College of Arts and Sciences Gunter Starkey Award for teaching, and UNM's Teacher of the Year Award. He has developed interactive CD-ROMs and PowerPoint slide sets to accompany introductory psychology texts published by various companies, including Harcourt, Prentice-Hall, and Wadsworth/Thomson. For the last several years he has been implementing a redesign of the Intro Psychology course, which was funded by the Pew Grant for Course Redesign. Compared to traditional methods of teaching Intro Psych, the quiz-focused redesign has reduced the drop-failure-withdrawal rate from 42 percent to 18 percent. He currently consults for the Center for Academic Transformation's Road-to-Redesign effort to enable universities to adopt introductory psychology redesigns
Selected Publications
- Trumbo, M. C., Leiting, K. A., McDaniel, M. A., & Hodge, G. K. (2016, April 14). Effects of Reinforcement on Test-Enhanced Learning in a Large, Diverse Introductory College Psychology Course. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. 22,148-160.
- Dencoff, J. E., & Hodge, G. K. (1995). Failure of physostigmine to attenuate scopolamine-or lesion induced impairments in an operant discrimination task. Psychobiology, 23, 290-301.
- Hodge, G. K., & Renner, M. (1996). Multimedia Psych. [CD-ROM]. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
- Butt, A.E., & Hodge, G.K. (1997). Simple and configural association learning in rats with bilateral quisqualic acid lesions of the nucleus basalis magnocellularis. Behavioral Brain Research. 89, 71-85.
- Friedman, S.D., Castaneda, E., & Hodge, G.K. (1998). Long-term monoamine depletion, differential recovery, and subtle behavioral impairment following methamphetamine-induced neurotoxicity. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 61, 35-44.
- Hodge, G. K. (1999). Interactive Psych. [CD-ROM]. Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt.
- Quan SF; Anderson JL; Hodge GK. (2013). Use of a supplementary internet based education program improves sleep literacy in college psychology students. J Clin Sleep Med