Positive Psychology Workbook
Departmental News
Posted: Dec 07, 2020 - 12:00am

Free Positive Psychology Workbook to Help Make 2021 a Better Year
Bruce W. Smith is making a new positive psychology workbook freely available to everyone as a PDF to help them get through the holidays and make next year a better new year. Positive psychology has been defined as the science of happiness and what makes life worth living. Bruce is an associate professor in the Department of Psychology at UNM and has been teaching positive psychology at UNM for the past 15 years to over 4,000 students. Bruce recently published an article showing that students in the positive psychology class had significant increases in happiness and well-being relative to UNM students taking other classes:
Smith, B.W., Ford, C.G., Erickson, K. et al. The Effects of a Character Strength Focused Positive Psychology Course on Undergraduate Happiness and Well-Being. J Happiness Stud (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10902-020-00233-9
Bruce is also a co-founder of the Center for Applied Positive Psychology CAPP) in New Mexico, which is a group of community leaders with the mission of making the benefits of positive psychology as widely and freely available as possible. This past fall, Bruce along with the help of CAPP have developed a positive psychology workbook to make the best of his class and positive psychology available to everyone at UNM and beyond. The workbook includes 24 chapters with lessons, access to videos they created to reflect the lessons, and the most beneficial and effective activities for increasing happiness, well-being, and resilience.
Bruce and CAPP have made the 230 page workbook available to everyone to help them get through what will probably be a particularly stressful holiday season because of CVOVID-19 and to enable them to make 2021 a much better year. If you would like a free PDF copy of the workbook, you can go to the following link at CAPP’s webpage to download it as many times as you like for yourself and others:
If you would like a hard copy of the workbook, Bruce and CAPP have made it available on Amazon.com for the minimal no profit to them of about $6.23. The link where you can find the book on Amazon.com is: