Most Novel and Innovative Work

Graduate Award

Amount: $100

Aims and Founders

The aim of this award is to honor a graduate student whose first- or sole-authored empirical or theoretical contributions to science (published or in progress) stand out (relative to the work of her/his mentor) as her/his own, independently-minded and motivated creation. The contribution should have the capacity to generate new hypotheses, phenomena, or ways of thinking within the discipline or field of study.This award is funded by the Department of Psychology and was introduced in 2021.


This award is open to all graduate students in the department.

Applying for the Awards

Students should submit the following:

  1. A letter detailing thenature and independent focus of the work for which the student would like to be considered.
    1. Please detail the most novel aspects of the work.
  2. An explicit document of the work (i.e. a publicaion, in press article, poster presentation, symposium presentation) if available.


  • 2023 Brett Andersen 
  • 2022 Victoria Votaw
  • 2021 Danielle Sanchez-Combs