Ongoing Remodel: Clinical Neuroscience Core

Departmental News

Posted:  Nov 08, 2011 - 10:00am

Logan Hall is receiving a major remodel on the 2nd floor. The department responded to the federal request for proposals as part of the Recovery Act Limited Competition: Core Facility Renovation, Repair, and Improvement. We submitted our proposal to NIH in September 2009, and received the news in May 2010 that we were being funded – for almost $5 million.

The money is to renovate the Psychology Department’s outdated neuroscience research space into a state-of-the-art Clinical Neuroscience Center (CNC) facility. Specific Aims are: 1) to consolidate and upgrade the clinical neuroscience research facility and thereby support the highest quality NIH-funded research. This new shared research environment will house the currently independent laboratories and contain updated equipment and IT capabilities; 2) to facilitate the development of new NIH-funded research programs and early stage investigators. The CNC will consist of renovated clinical neuroscience labs (Pediatric and Adult EEG, Transcranial Stimulation), imaging and data analysis centers with high-speed IT links to collaborating institutions such as the Mind Research Network (MRN), neuropsychological testing rooms, collaborative/computerized work areas, a server room, and secure data storage. The CNC will include the state’s only system for stereotactic transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) with a TMS-compatible EEG. Importantly, the CNC will support the integration of MRN’s neuroimaging and genetic data with CNC data, thereby offering researchers access to vast amounts of shared data across studies, modalities, sites, and disciplines. Although a number of faculty played critical roles in preparing this proposal, the chair wants to ex-tend special thanks to Drs. Kent Hutchison, Vince Clark, Kent Kiehl, and Claudia Tesche.

Thank you to everyone for your patience during our construction period!